Energy Manager

The Energy Manager (EM) is a prefessional job introduced by Law no. 10 of 1991, as responsible for the conservation and rational use of energy.

The Circular of the Ministry of Economic Development, published December 18, 2014, updated every previous circular on the regulation of the appointment of the Energy Manager.

Professional job description

It is a high-profile, with managerial, technical, economic, financial, legal and communication skills, that supports companies on decisions related to energy.

The Energy Manager is essential to support companies in implementing policies to reduce energy consumption and costs, taking into consideration the efficiency of energy at all stages of production or management.

Targets and legislative obligations

The appointment of the Energy Manager is required to:

  • the industrial sector, with annual energy consumption exceeding 10.000 TOE (tons of oil equivalent);
  • the civilian sector, tertiary and transport, with annual energy consumption exceeding 1.000 TOE;
  • public administration, with annual energy consumption exceeding 1.000 TOE;
  • public bodies and private organizations with an energy service contract;
  • the subjects of any sector that access to the mechanism of Energy Efficiency Certificates (TEE).

Sanctions against the employer and the manager

Law no. 10/1991 provides sanctions in the event that the Energy Manager not appointed.