Course for Electrical Plant Manager and Supervisor URI, URL, RI e PL

The course is aimed to: Employers, Managers and Supervisor involved in works of operation and maintenance with electrical risks; aimed to Advisors, Coordinators of Safety, RSPP and ASPP.


The IEC 11-27:2014 defines that the Plant Manager (RI) and Work Supervisor (PL) should always be identified before start of an "electrical work" and also "non-electrical" with electrical risk (eg pruning works carried out close to overhead lines).

The employer not only have to evaluate the risks, and in particular the electrical risk pursuant to art. 80 of D.Lgs.81 /2008, identifying the safely working procedure, but also to assign specific roles and responsibilities to workers,  as defined on Title III of Legislative Decree no. 81/08, in accordance with new norm IEC 11-27: 2014 and IEC 50110-1: 2014.

Professional job description

The IEC 11-27:2014 identifies four profiles to ensure the safety on operation and maintenance of plant, and execution of works with electrical risks:
- Plant Director (URI);
- Plant Manager (RI);
- Work Director (URL);
- Work Supervisor (PL).

The URI, if it coincides with RI, have to be a PES (Expert Person);
The URL, if identified in a person, have to be a PES (Expert Person), and in this case coincides with the PL.

Frequency of updates

The certificate issued to attend the course is valid for five years, as required by art. 32 of Legislative Decree no. 81/08 and by the Agreement State-Regions on training for RSPP, ASPP and by the Title IV of Legislative Decree no. 81/08.

Legal obligations

Art. 82, paragraph 1, letter. c) point 2 - Legislative Decree no. 81/08.

Sanctions against the employer and chief officer

Art. 87 - paragraph 2, letter e) - Legislative Decree no. 81/08.
Arrest from three to six months or a sanction from 2.500 to 6.400 Euros.